The Lung Centre


Now that India has started its own vaccination programme with Made in India Vaccines, its imperative to know who all should take the vaccines. We have a vaccination programme which is funded and run by the central and state governments respectively. Covishield or Oxford Vaccine, maufactured by Serum Institute of India, is being given at many centres all throughout the country. Another vaccine manufactured by Bharat Biotech called as COVAXIN is being administered in limited centres under clinical trial phase 3 mode. Presently only the healthcare and the front line workers are being vaccinated Now the major question arises, who can take the vaccine? We will clear some myths and facts on the same…. Myths and facts about covid vaccine Myth1: If I am on blood thinners , I can\’t take the vaccine. Fact1: patients with cardiac problems on blood thinners can take the vaccine Myth2: I have asthma and I can\’t take the vaccine Fact2: Patients suffering from asthma can take the vaccine. Only avoid taking it during an asthma attack Myth3: I am allergic to egg and I can\’t take the vaccine Fact3: patients with egg allergy can take the vaccine. Myth4: I am a cancer survivor and I can\’t take the vaccine Fact4: a patient suffering or cured of cancer can take the vaccine Myth5: I am a diabetic and I can\’t take the vaccine Fact5: patients suffering from diabetes have to take the vaccine Myth6: I had covid infection in the past. I don’t need to take the vaccine! Fact6: Covid infection can give antibody response which may not be adequate to mount a response if there is a reinfection. However, vaccination gives accurate, adequate, quantifiable and a measured antibody response. Hence, even if you have had covid 19 infection you can still vaccinate yourself but after three months from the date of infection. Myth7: I am pregnant. Vaccine can cause harm to the developing foetus in the womb! Fact7: Large studies have not been undertaken in pregnant patients. However, none of the components used in the preparation of the vaccines have been shown to be harmful to the baby in the womb. Many pregnant healthcare workers have been vaccinated all over the world without any adverse effects. Hence, if there is a high risk of exposure to SARS CoV2 virus to a pregnant women, then she can vaccinate herself. Myth8: I have an autoimmune condition which requires me to take steroids and immunomodulators. Then I cannot take the vaccine. Fact8: Patients on immunomodulators or steroids are advised to avoid live viral vaccines. However, the vaccines available in the market are just component vaccines or inactivated viral vector vaccines which are harmless for such patients. They can safely take the vaccine. Myth9: I am breastfeeding. So, I can’t take the vaccine. Fact9: There is no evidence to show that the vaccine causes antibodies to pass on to the newborn baby from the breast milk. Furthermore, these antibodies have not been shown to be harmful to the newborn baby. Myth10: I have had allergies in the past. I can’t take the vaccine. Fact10: Simple allergies don’t predispose one to get allergic reactions to the vaccine. However, its safe to inform your vaccinator about your allergic predisposition before taking the vaccine. Most allergic individuals have safely taken the vaccine all throughout the world. Myth11: Once I take the vaccine, I CANNOT get covid infection. Fact11: Vaccination can prevent from serious illnesses due to covid 19. However, you can still contract covid 19 infection in a milder form of disease or even asymptomatic infection. Myth12: Once I take the vaccine, I can stop wearing the mask Fact12: Even if you are vaccinated, the current measures of social distancing, masking up and frequent hand washing or use of sanitizers shall remain. Hope this blog helps. 
